While everything seems to be coming up roses, it's the thorns you must be aware of - it's very tempting to jump first and ask questions later, yet it would be wise to first investigate a situation prior to leaping. Moon conjunct Venus is hungry for affection, and so will try valiantly to keep things harmonious. This means that we will try to please those around us but our egos may take a beating for anything that's out of the norm. And this is a time when things are anything but normal! Our friends at Darkstar Astrology say: "This Aries Moon conjunct Venus can also attract violent behavior as it goes about trying to bring fairness to situations. At this new Moon we have to watch out we don’t become a doormat with all that people-pleasing. Sociable Moon conjunct Venus is so hypersensitive to the needs of others that paradoxically the only way to get any ‘me’ time at all at this New moon might be by shutting off from company all together."
There's an analytical component to this New Moon as well. The star Alpha Reticulum highlights scientific, astronomical, and astrological skills. This would be a great time to check out the night sky with friends and ponder the meaning of the universe and your role in it. What's important to you, and how do you actively go about achieving it? As noted, this is both an energetic and turbulent Moon phase - positive and negative. Are you serving yourself or are you working to serve others?
Now is the perfect time to contemplate what you want and need to manifest and create for the balance of the year. Do you need to enhance or even revamp your needs and goals? Perhaps it's time to wipe the slate clean and bring fresh energy into your plans. The New Moon gives us this chance to restart, renew, and recharge. Take some alone time and meditate on just what it is you need to get through - just make sure there are no hidden snags on what could be a bumpy ride to a fresh, new you!
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