I suppose it's evident by now that we're advocates of our community. It's no secret that Scott and I are working hard to improve the business environment here in the North Lake Business District, and hopefully in all of Altadena.
We don't think that this goal is impossible to acheive, although I've heard many opinions to the contrary. Every time I open an business magazine or industry-specific publication (and believe me, I read a LOT of those) I discover another inspirational success story. I'd like to share one of those with you now.
Dusty Durrill owns retail boutique Bleu Frog Mercantile in Corpus Christi, Texas. The neighborhood he chose to locate his store in was past its heyday. There were businesses and stores closing but that didn't deter him. Dusty had a vision of revitalization. He bought his building, renovated it and opened for business.
After five years or so, Bleu Frog Mercantile was firmly established and other entrepreneurs began to invest in the community as well. A restaurant and a cafe soon followed and the neighborhood began to thrive once again.
Dusty credits his success to the people in his community, his staff and his fellow business owners. It takes the cooperation of all these parts to create a successful store. His staff credits Rusty himself. When interviewed for the article that appeared in GiftBeat, written by Tracy Pulley, the store manager, Sue Iverson, says she's thrilled not only to head up a thriving store but to partner with a man whose vision is changing an entire community. "Dusty Durrill is doing wonderful things for this city", she says. "Bleu Frog is just the beginning."
We believe this can be done here in Altadena. There's proof everywhere, from the demographics I've studied in preparing our business plan to talking to residents, just like you, over the past two and a half years. You want a change and you want it for the better. We want to let you know that we're behind that concept one hundred percent.
This is our stand, for our store and for Altadena. We make no empty promises in ads placed in city newspapers. When you come to WFS, you get the real deal. We deliver by treating you as you deserve to be treated, like the friend you are. We deliver by offering you the best shopping experience we can, from our complimentary coffee, tea and cookies to our exquisite gift wrap to our flexible return policy. Delivering what we promise is what we do and who we are - it's part of our DNA.
Stay with us, watch us grow and let us deliver....to you!
It will be exciting to see new life breathed into Altadena commerce!
Thank you, Ann. It will be exciting! I'll be finishing up our business plan and will be looking for funding soon. There's no place but up, right?
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